Thursday, March 17, 2011

Quote of the Day 03/17/2011

"I bet this is gonna be a lot worse than Chernobyl, at least Chernobyl blew up and that was it." -Private Insano

This displays a shameful lack of historical knowledge and awareness of current events. I heard it as I walked by the A.O. of one of my younger co-workers. I waited for that conversation to end (because PI is one of those people who has to be right AND have the last word), and went over to reassure my noobie he would be ok.

I got back to my desk and sent him to this Forbes article (with ads that take forever to finish loading before the article loads) and then mentioned that the emitted radiation, while higher than the legal exposure limits are still relatively low. Then I found a money quote from someone who does know what they're talking about:
"There is no way the Japanese plant will even closely compare to what happened in Chernobyl," -Alexander Sich, Assoc. Professor, Physics, Univ. of Steubenville

Relax already.

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