Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's The Worst That Could Happen?

So we're giving weapons to Libyan resistance fighters. We did this in Afghanistan and it is currently biting us in the [deleted] now that we are fighting the mooj's we gave AKs when they were the enemy of our enemy.

Of course, it will never be the case that weapons we give to Libyans will be used against us. After all, if you don't count CIA spooks and military advisors, we pinky-swear we will not have boots on the ground in Libya. Also Libyan fighters almost-never go outside Libya to fight our men, so . . .

Yeah, this is as bad an idea as the no-fly zone. No US tax dollars should be borrowed from China to send guns to Libya!


KurtP said...

Oh-come on...
How could those AlQuaida fighters in Libya get those arms to A-stan?
You reality based conservatives must think that there is some kind of black market going on to supply anti-American forces the same weapons that Teh iWON wants to use to usurp Kaddafi.

Silly Rethuglican...
They think that those 700 miles are something overcomable by ships and airplanes

Vote For David said...

That's nothing, they think a ground war can be overcome with airplanes. Since airplanes were invented, people who don't like to learn from history have thought airplanes could be used in lieu of foot soldiers to fight a war.

They can't. Unless you want to turn Libya into a radioactive glass bowl, you will never get the result you want without sending troops in to do it for you.

War is the pointy end of diplomacy . . . here's an idea: let's not put our men at the pointy end of guns we gave the other side, eh.