Friday, March 25, 2011

So I Says To My Banker, I Says:

Housing prices are looking to retrace all the way back to 1994, and then after that, Historical Average here we come! This was part of a conversation about how, though money is tight around chez VFD, we already have our affairs well-enough in order that a refinance with cash-out at today's interest rates doesn't make sense for us.

Wait, what? 1994? The Economy is recovering VFD!

Right, sure. Go ahead and have a look at this house price trend analysis at Of Two Minds. Then consider the implications of the Obama administrations' real estate negotiations falling apart. Also not helping: how strong is the world's economy, when Portugal and Spain are starting to look bailout-y?

Yes, I am still waiting for the double-dip. I am secretly hoping it turns into a return to historical averages, but don't tell anybody; they'll think I'm a pessimist.

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