Friday, March 4, 2011

The Rent Gas Is Too D--n High!

. . . remembering all the while that the current price of gasoline and the slow increase to it were the desire of President Obama all the time . . .

The following was sent with slight variation to all three of my Elected Heroes in the District of Columbia:

Dear Personrichenoughtobuyanelection,

What else are we to think, but that this is intentional?

The price of gasoline is eating my budget. I suppose it sounds like small change to someone whose gas and airfare are paid by the electorate instead of his own pocketbook, but $3.50/gallon for regular unleaded hurts.

Alaskan oil if properly tapped could make Alaska the 8th largest oil producer in the world, but we do not drill for it. Then there are the oil sands in the interior and very well-proven reserves in the shallows of the Gulf of Mexico. We have more than all the oil we need to meet demand while other, cleaner technology is being brought online. The only thing between me a reasonable cost of oil (and therefore gasoline) . . . is the American government!

The American government, in the name of the environment, is intentionally supporting artificially high gas prices. The effect is that people with little enough money are losing more and more disposable (and sometimes not so disposable) income to their gas tanks to go to work and back. And the taxes continue to crush us as well.

What else are we to think, but that this is intentional?

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