Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Low Voter Turnout In Texas Constitutional Amendment Election

I got to the polling place for my district a half-hour before they were going to close. There was one other person voting at one of the three voting machines. There were 4 volunteer/observers working the polling place. As I was getting my login code from one poll worker, two of the others were saying how they thought it was likely they would see two more voters come and cast ballots. In half an hour.

I voted and left. It took about 5 minutes (compared to what, an hour, when I voted against PresBO?) between door openings going in and going out.

When I signed in, on a sheet with maybe 15-20 names, I saw that my name was the only one with a signature by it. Pretty much NOBODY cared to turn out to vote on a proposed ELEVEN changes to the supreme law of our State. Stated another way, I was voting for maybe fifteen or twenty other people in my district. County-wide we had about 8% turnout. Uncle reports Knoxville saw 5% turnout. Knoxville's voters were voting for 20 people also.

So do you still think your vote doesn't count for anything?


In related news, it looks like all you have to do to change the State Constitution is get it on the ballot. All the measures proposed, passed. This is in keeping with the brainless results from prior elections: all you have to do to get a bond issue is get it on the ballot here. Sigh


"The only problem with a democracy is that I get the government They deserve!"

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