Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Neighbor The Socialist, Dealing With:

We spent a good bit of halloween night at the home of one of our neighbors. During the course of conversation, it came out that she was convinced: she doesn't believe in Capitalism, that she would prefer Socialism.

!!! And she seemed like such a nice lady.

Fortunately, just then our children were being normal, un-sedated children, and I had an excuse to change the subject. I went as far as verifying that she meant more like France than Soviet style socialism, and dropped the matter like a hot potato.

Why VFD, you're a chicken!

No, but I've heard several conversations between Sean Hannity and Men on The Street . . . and that's not really what I wanted to have over pecan pie and hot chocolate, in place of what had been a perfectly lovely evening. Sometimes, as Dennis Prager says, clarity is preferable to agreement.

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