Thursday, November 5, 2009

YOU Guess The Motive.

I was listening to breaking news of the shooting at Ft. Hood, and I was saying to myself: "Even odds this guy has a muslim-sounding name." Just then, they called out Malik Nadil Hasan. Major Malik Nadil Hasan. Let's see how widely that name is reported.

If he was called Bob Ralph Smith, the speculation might tend toward a right-wing hate motive, or else just revenge, or crazy white guy.

I'm going to go ahead and call the motive right now. I give 5% chance of y'all seeing this on the network news tonight. The additional security at Ft. Hood is a waste. This dude went on his own little piece of jihad, and it's over.

I would be happy to be proven wrong.

I would also be happy if we trusted our fighting men with fighting arms while on base, INCONUS. If we did, we wouldn't have had to wait for the Police to go kill this asshole. The body count, you could count on one hand, including the killer.

The Devil says: "Welcom to Hell, Major Hasan. LOL Joke's on you, no virgins!"

Yahoo! News: No direct mention of Hasan's religion.

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