Friday, November 6, 2009

And We Needed A Civilian Policewoman There . . . Why?

A great big tip of the hat to the civilian police woman who got four hits on the mujaheddun at Fort Hood last night. While wounded.

The question I (and apparently many others) have is: Why the hell, on a base with 50,000 of America's finest volunteer FIGHTING men on station, did we need to have a civilian cop stop this mess after (assuming perfect accuracy) at least 34 shots were fired?

These were men in the frikking ARMY about to GO FIGHT against the jihad. And none of them had so much as a sidearm about him? Whiskey Tango Fox, over?

I'm writing my Elected Heroes about this. This is just stupid. In related news, apparently ZERO was too many civilians killed by our military men back in the day (say, WWII) when each man was issued a rifle and a pistol, and he kept it with him when he transferred duty stations. That is, when going from one place to another, our men had their killing tools right there with 'em, when they got on civilian airliners, buses, and trains. Can't have icky GUNS out there in the hands of TRAINED KILLERS now can we?

No, we should leave the mass murder to amateurs, and make sure they have plenty of disarmed victims on which to prey!

One is reminded of the Israeli militiaman/student who shot a school-shooting mujaheddin right in the [deleted] HEAD (twice) with his issued service rifle. Which, of course, like all the other militiamen in Israel, he had with him at school.

I also recall Hartmann, a true warrior, who faced down frikken HITLER and got permission to wear his sidearm in the presence of the Leader of the People while being awarded a medal.

Why are our men disarmed on US military installations during a WAR?

It's an overseas war, VFD.


You mean the following MUSLIM murderers are not connected, because they were not card-carrying members of Al Quaeda? Funny, it seems to me like there is a certain commonality between them . . .

D.C. Snipers
Little Rock Recruiting Station murders
Salt Lake City mall shootings
Seattle Jewish Center shootings
along with a few (dozen) others

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