Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bipartisan = All of Us + 1 of Them.

Lovely. Just lovely. Now we get to hear about the BIPARTISAN SUPPORT for the "healthcare" bill, since CAO broke ranks and voted with the National Socialist Democrat party.

ONE Republican makes it "bipartisan." Not that Cao was in on the negotiations, but with a last-minute vote from ONE Republican, you get SHAZAM now it's BIpartisan.

Take careful note: The health care system destruction and patient murder act of 2009 "healthcare" bill barely passed. Barely, as in, THREE votes the other way would have killed the bill. THREE votes.

So now it falls on the (thankfully) less-reactionary Senate to kill this measure. That means it is once again time to melt the phone lines at the Capitol Switchboard and make sure all the fence-shitting Democrat Senators know you will be donating to their opponent next November, regardless of who that opponent is. If YOUR Senator is a wobbly, be sure to tell them you will be working in their district specifically to defeat them, for voting for "healthcare."

NOTHING else will stop this bill. Nothing. They don't give a damn about all the patients who will die waiting for a petty tyrant bureaucrat to sign off on their medical care. They don't care that you don't want the USA to force you (at gunpoint) to buy shitty health care insurance from them. ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS THEIR POWER. MAKE SURE YOUR ELECTED HEROES KNOW THEY WILL LOSE THEIR POSITION IN THE SENATE IF THE SENATE PASSES THIS BILL!


Congratulations to Stupak for writing abortion funding out of the 'healthcare' bill. You have enabled the abortofascists (as Neal Boortz calls us) in Congress to vote for the bill. In so doing, if it passes in the Senate, you have destroyed the finest health care system in the world, on fraudulent grounds, for the sake of political power, by encouraging votes for an unconstitutional measure. I hope you're happy. I know Queen Pelosi is ecstatic. Congressman Stupak, your political future is secure, as long as the Democrats can continue to have dead people and illegal aliens cast votes, or until the revolution comes. You ass.

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