Sunday, November 29, 2009

Selling Blood (or Plasma) Revisited.

For the longest time, it has bothered me that people sell their blood, rather than donating it pro bono publico. This morning as I was shaving, a thought occurred to me I had never thought before:

Recipients of blood transfusions benefit greatly from them, sure. They also pay for them, along with the rest of the stuff required for their medical care, and probably they pay a good deal more than the price paid to the blood 'donor.' If it came right down to a choice between bleeding out and paying $150 or whatever, even a tightwad like yours truly is likely to fork up the money for a transfusion.

Blood is not a zero-sum game. What's more, it's an infinitely renewable resource. You are forever (assuming good health) making more blood. Why not give up some of it?

I had always thought it strange, that people are prohibited from selling (say) a kidney, but selling blood always got to me. I think, not anymore. I think I'll start "donating" blood again, even if I do have to get paid for it.

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