Monday, November 23, 2009

Mammogram Recommendations = Health Care Rationing.

Sometimes I wish I could write faster while driving. Ingraham was playing sound on her show of some female Elected Heroine on one of the Sunday shows. She was read the text of one of the "healthcare" bills by the host, wherein it mentions the "Task Force recommendations" effectively become law and regulate the preventive health care of all women in the country.

You remember the brouhaha last week about the recommendation that women no longer get their mammograms starting at age 40, because it saves a bunch of money? Yeah, that sort of thing, under Obamacare, becomes law even when all the doctors and health insurance people come out and say it's bad for womens' being alive & healthy. Your Elected Heroine appeared to be completely unable to follow logic, or else she's pure evil, because even after hearing it for herself, she refused to admit that the bill says what it says.

Because they don't care about womens' health. They care about CONTROL over your life. Or else they shouldn't be there, you pick.

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