Monday, May 17, 2010

Can You Dig Even ONE Level Deep? Please?

I get e-mail from a LOT of different sources. One of them is an individual who passes on the most inflamed rhetoric you could type and still be credible at the first reading. I just finished reading about another way the government is going to tax everybody to the tune of thousands of dollars a year in order to achieve compliance with a new law. There were even links at the bottom of the e-mail to prove it was true!

One of them, the only non-government sourced link I bothered to click on, says it was NOT true. Sometimes I wonder if the alarmists aren't truly agents provocateurs working to make our side look stupid.

Here's a hint: if you get all worked up because of a story, at least find verification from a couple of other places *where they know what they're talking about* before you hit that "Forward to All" button.

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