Saturday, May 8, 2010

Not *Exactly* What I Was Wanting To Do . . .

I was whackin' some weeds with the weedwhacker in the back yard. There was a rock keeping close company with the weeds. My weed whacker's string didn't think the rock should be there, and sent it flying. Into the two-by-five foot sheet of glass that covers the opening in our house's back door.

Did you know that glass doesn't necessarily shatter all at once? We could hear it crackling for several minutes, and sometimes catch a glimpse of another piece of glass splitting. It was pretty neat actaully.

Well, there was nothing else to do. I kept at the weeds. I got about two feet down the row, and the string in the weed whacker ran out. I don't have any more string. So now when I go to the home improvement warehouse store, I'll have two things to buy.

A bit later, we slapped some pig steaks on the grille. A very hot grille. So it turns out, the time the instructions on the meat package were to leave it about twice as long as required to really well BURN the meat.

Oh well. At least I managed to get a mild sunburn on my arms.


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