Saturday, May 29, 2010

Do You Like Having Less Free Money?

Then be sure to NOT contact your Senator.

The House has passed a bill that would quadruple the taxes you pay for every barrel of oil. The idea is to make YOU pay more, for cleanup funds in case a PRIVATE COMPANY has a spill.

Here's my idea: let the private company suffer financial ruin cleaning up their own messes, and someone else will still be going to get the oil out of the ground.

If this bill passes then John Q Public will have the cost of literally everything increased on him, with no corresponding increase in benefit from the government or pay from his employer. This is not good for a faltering economy, in case you were wondering, but that's not the point.

It's a power grab, to get more of your life from you (in the form of tax dollars). Poof! and the money is gone to Washington.

"You'd think they'd be saying 'Thank you'"

"Never let a good crisis go to waste"

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