Friday, May 28, 2010

Topkill Failed Wednesday Night?

BP says they're going to try something different, a variant on the theme. Naked Capitalism hypothesizes that BP is merely putting a brave face on, and will be announcing a total failure of the top kill procedure late tonight or tomorrow, after the Annointed One gets out of the region.

Reading the comments doesn't make one feel better . . . a claim of NO prospect of stopping the flow until a relief well is drilled and online, MONTHS from now. I expect they would keep trying, but oy.

I'm not an oil engineer, but this sucks. I'm thinking a big clamp-on pipe and you start sucking whatever comes out of the pipe in the seabed, through a new fitting clamped over the old broken pipe. Then you run some ships around sucking up the undersea rivers of oil, trying to get it all before it is washed up on shore as part of a storm surge in a hurricane.

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