Monday, May 24, 2010

Well This May Be Interesting

Obama is proposing it, so I start from the assumption that it is a horrible idea, but . . .

He has proposed a way to get around the supreme Court, who forbade the line-item veto a few years back. No, it's not "let's legislate the jurisdiction to decide the constitutionality of the line-item veto away from the supreme Court." No, it's not "let's all work together and make a good bill." No, it's not "let's not write bills full of waste and pork-barrel spending." It's "you write it, I'll make it law, and then I'll tell you what I hate about it and you can tell me if you agree with me or not."

IF we had a virtuous President AND a virtuous legislature, that might be a good way to deal with honest mistakes. As it is, I'm thinking it's (still) time to be holding on to our Liberty with both hands.

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