Monday, May 10, 2010

A Little Mutilation Is OKAY By The American Academy of Pediatrics

Even the New York Times could find somebody sane enough to produce this commentary:
“There are countries in the world that allow wife beating, slavery and child abuse, but we don’t allow people to practice those customs in this country. We don’t let people have slavery a little bit because they’re going to do it anyway, or beat their wives a little bit because they’re going to do it anyway.” -Georganne Chapin, Executive Director, Intact America

That's right boys and girls. The same American Academy of Pediatrics that says not to give infants water to drink, EVER, and to never spank children, now says that it is okay for a ritual pinprick or nick of a baby girl's 'parts' to happen in the US of A, instead of getting a full-bore clitoridectomy back in the Old Country where the Muslim parents came from.

Hat tip: Moonbattery

Update 5/27/10: After being hammered from the left, right, and center, not to mention the dues-paying physicians who are members of the academy, the AAP has reversed its position. And Australia is considering taking the position just reversed by the AAP. Great.

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