Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Mark Of The Beast Goes Viral

Any sort of credit or identity document that is not a part of a person's body can be forged or lost/stolen. Any biometric identifier can be faked. The only secure solution for identity and payment documents is an implanted chip.

When it's getting right near the end of time, the people of the world will be clamoring for such a system. A cashless society will arise.

And it will STILL not be secure!

A man proved a point in a huge way, but it will be ignored when that time comes. A computer system was infected with a computer virus. The computer virus was made by him. It was in a microchip implant, in himself. He infected the computer simply by being in close proximity to it.

How would you like for the whole system to come crashing down, because someone walked by a scanner? Maybe the banking system collapses after the hacker pays for a dental check-up. Maybe a prisoner is checked into jail and all the doors are opened. The potential for mayhem is very nearly limitless. This is yet one more reason why you should NOT trust implanted identification or payment options.

But this warning will go unheeded.

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