Friday, May 1, 2009

Where's The Outrage?

No links, because nobody deserves exposure or credit for this shame.

Those who were paying attention will recall several months of OUTRAGE!!!! and DEMANDS FOR ACCOUNTABILITY!!!!1!! over the revelation of something that Valerie Plame told her shack-up stud when they were sleeping together (that she was (formerly) an undercover CIA operative. That would be, a revelation YEARS after she had stopped doing undisclosed types of field work).

Now some small-time hack freelancing for a major news network has posted VIDEO online of two men who were civilian contractors for the CIA, advising The Good Guys how to properly interrogate recalcitrant enemy combatants. That would be video showing their FACES and calling out their NAMES repeatedly.

Main stream press: Can I get some outrage? A raised eyebrow, even? No?

Oh well I'm sure it'll be fine then. Nevermind that these two men now have bulls-eyes painted on their backs by this "reporter." Never mind that they are now "out" as agents of the Great Satan and therefore legitimate targets for members of the Religion of Peace. No no, this is just fine.

Maybe this post should have been titled: "People Who Should Be Shot: One More."

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