Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Should Obese People Be Banned From High Public Offices?

There is a TON of chatter online (don't look for it on the television news though) about Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to be the next Justice on the supreme Court. Her qualifications apparently include having a vagina and brown skin, as well as being a judicial activist with heavy leftist leanings, with the ability to speak so well about her crazy that it sounds reasonable to a government school victim graduate. She was appointed as a political gesture to the Democrats by Bush 41, who subsequently had his hand bitten off by them as he tried to reach across the aisle for some give-back. Clinton put her up to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals with little opposition (2 Nays) from the Republicans.

At the time, Rush Limbaugh warned that she was an ultra-leftist on a rocket ship to SCOTUS. Add that to the 97% of the time that Rush is Right.

Fortunately for us, if the Republicrats have enough testicular fortitude to stand up to a woman, she just had a major case overturned by SCOTUS. But you've already heard all about all that right?


My take: she's too fat to be making good decisions. What's that, my statement is not controversial enough? Okay, she looks like a fruit-loop (crazy person face) also.

Look people, in America in 2009, there is NOBODY who does not understand that Fat People are doing damage to themselves. In addition, you also know that you could be less fat if you exerted your will to make it happen. But you don't.

Do we really need someone who is blatantly unqualified for the position of a SCOTUS justice, who ALSO can't even keep her own lusts in check, making policy from the bench?

You already know where I stand on that question. But what else can you expect from a President who smokes cigarrettes?

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