Thursday, September 24, 2009

Has It Begun?

Census worker is murdered and "fed" is the only message from the killer.

That would be, an agent of the Imperial Federal Government strayed well outside the mandates of the Constitution "under color of law" and got their comeuppance, finally. You can smell the references to Tim McVeigh without even clicking the link. NOTE: this killing was apparently an unmitigated success. Here's the money quote from the left-tilted AP-sourced article:
"Door-to-door operations have been suspended in Clay County pending a resolution of the investigation"
I don't condone the killing of government workers, but I do like to point out that there are other people who do. Those peoples' reasons are getting stronger by the day. Government employees should take home this message: "keep it constitutional, pal!"

Look for this story to be spiked, or else played all over the place for a week with a tinge of "do it harder" gun control thrown in for good measure (nevermind that the cat was hanged).

Hat tip to Tam


Boortz mentioned the story this morning, and said no matter what the dispute, there will always be someone in an argument who can't carry his point with logic and verbal skills. That is the person who resorts to violence. The one intelligent enough to deal in nonviolent manner with his opposition is not the one throwing the first punch (or rope). Boortz also advocated (and I tend to agree) for the position that a murderer should die on the same day and in the same way his victim died. In this case, that means "git a rowpe."

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