Monday, September 14, 2009 pwns j00!

I just had to log on to a website to get access to a data sheet. A frikken datasheet and you want my email address?


So I scooted on over to and put in the name of the offending website. They gave me a username and password and BAM! I was in. Again. As usual. It doesn't have one for every website, but it's been at least 50/50 for me so it's worth checking.

Remember kids: when they ask for your phone number at the grocery store checkstand, and when they ask for your email address online, just say "no!"

(helpful hint #3 for the day: some websites just want ANY email address, and it pleases me to give them as my email)

(with apologies to anybody who actually has as their email address)

1 comment:

Conant said...

I usually use