Thursday, September 10, 2009

Argument for Government-Run Healthcare:

Strict adherance to the regulations!*

*(on penalty of the doctors going to jail).

A baby was born two days early. That is, four months and two days. The baby was just shy of 5 months' gestation, which they know because the doctor was there watching the insemination when it happened (or something). There is zero chance that this person was concieved on any date other than the one the doctors said.

Anyhow, the baby was born, breathing on her own and with a strong heartbeat. Two days sooner than the doctors would have been allowed to treat her under the regulations of Britain's universal health care system.

In compliance with the regulation, the doctors just wouldn't see the baby. Not old enough to be a patient, sorry! Too bad for you, unlucky parents, she died. Fun factoid: this doesn't count as infant mortality because she was less than a week out of mommy when she died. That's why they have low infant mortality rates in UK, BTW.

How do you prevent someone from coming back to the hospital with a gun and murdering the doctors who refused to even look at the baby in such a circumstance? Okay, stabbing them with a butter knife then since it IS britain. What prevents a person from shooting the people who made those rules?


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