Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Why I Am Glad I Went Shooting Yesterday

The fun is obvious, the new shooter training is a community service, and the fellowship and food with other Christians is always good. But the real reason I like that I went out shooting yesterday is this:

Socialists hate it.

Hold on there.

VFD, now you are doing things just to tweak peoples' noses who will never know about it?

No, no, follow me here. This is a moral victory, not a nose-tweaking.

What is Socialism? You depend on the State for everything. Your food, water, clothing, shelter, job, and boy howdy especially your defense. Once the ideal society is reached (read: the following will never happen) then crime will fall off, and you will not really need the protection of the Police, you will be so safe. Until then, however, you really should depend on the State to protect you anyhow. The State knows better than you what should be done to protect you, after all!

What is Liberty? I'll tell the State to kick bricks, and I'll do what I want, fuck you very much. As long as I don't trample your rights, you don't trample mine, and (debatably) the State keeps marauding hordes at bay and roads paved, everything will be just fine with me. The State, through the police force, according to the supreme Court of the U.S., has no duty to protect me as an individual. I am on my own. If I don't feel like letting you run rough-shod over me, I can do whatever it takes to restore myself to a position of not having my rights trampled. Being aware that, when seconds count, the Police are only minutes away, I take measures to be able to preserve myself, myself.

Socialists hate that attitude. Taking it upon yourself to defend yourself and your (capitalist pig!) property is a complete rejection of the power and responsibility of the State to defend you. Ergo:

Self-defense is the highest possible act of individualism.

As I said, Socialists hate that. You know what I hate? I hate that somewhere between 100,000,000 and 200,000,000 largely innocent citizens were killed by their own governments, or in wars started by same, in the name of the collective good. You can take your Communism, Socialism, and all the other leftist "isms" out there, and stick 'em where the sun don't shine. Try too hard to force them on U.S. Americans, and we'll turn your places where the sun don't shine, in to ventilation shafts anywhere from 0.223" to 0.5" in (entry) diameter.

I taught one man and attended the teaching of one boy, how to make a Good Communist.

Hold on there.

What's all this to do with yesterday?

Yesterday was "Labor Day" in the USA. Labor day is a symbol to all Americans that the International Labour Movement (read: Socialists) are powerful enough to force every company to pay every worker in the country to slack off for a full day.

I celebrated an international Socialist holiday by doing things Socialists despise.

And it makes me happy.

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