Friday, September 4, 2009

The Do NOT Want YOU To Debate. They Want YOU To Hush!

"The time has come for universal health care in America. And I look forward to working with all of you to meet this challenge in the weeks and months to come."
-Barack Hussein Obama, Jan. 25, 2007
Hat tip to

Somehow, I don't think this is what he had in mind. He has a filibuster-proof Senate and an overwhelming majority in Congress, and could NOT get the first plan passed. It is looking increasingly dead in the water, in fact. Some might argue that's a good thing, seeing it was obvious that BHO never bothered reading the bill he wanted to foist off on you in TWO WEEKS, a couple of months ago.

Now the Democrat "leadership" is trying to come up with something palatable to the Blue Dogs that won't piss off the vocal kook fringe. There is talk of a "trigger" for implementing a government-run system (look into the fine print and you're sure to see how the trigger is 100% guaranteed to be pulled very quickly, by the way). Make no mistake, people of the United States: you have the Socialist-leaners rocked back on their heels. If you keep on the offensive, you will be able to prevent the government from rationing out substandard health care to you, in the name of universal care.

You HAVE TO keep the pressure up. Keep calling, keep writing, keep going to meetings with your Elected Heroes. It is having an effect. Be in D.C. on the 12th if you can make it.

When the opposition has to keep rebranding in an attempt to convince you they are right, you are winning. Keep it up.


August 22, 2009, he must have put out a press release or something, because ALL the first page hits on Google trying to find the above quote were from the same day, with the EXACT same verbiage. I found this example on . . . dig the comments!

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