Monday, September 21, 2009

Local Reportage: Doin' It Right!

The local radio news on the way in to work this morning had a fabulous bit of reporting. They started off talking about a group of whiners who don't want Austin P.D. to be chasing people in cars anymore. Somebody might get a boo-boo or something. Then they went to a soundbyte from Chief Acevedo asking (to paraphrase) 'if it was your relative that the criminal had hurt, would you tell us not to chase them?' Then they went on to mention that Acevedo is also considering letting his men use the PIT maneuver.

It was a beautiful thing. Make fun of the whiners by showing your Police Chief is not devoid of testicular fortitude. By the way, for those who wonder what all the "right wingers" out there are complaining about, this is the other side of the "media bias" coin. If NPR wanted you not to like the police running car chases, they wouldn't just come right out and SAY it. You would be led to sympathy with that position while they engaged in "objective" reporting. They'd start with a brief mention of the PIT maneuver, followed by a sob story about some woman whose puppy was killed by a police PIT. Then they would talk a little longer about police chases. The end of the "story" would be another tear-jerker about a family killed by a police chase while making a snowman family in their front yard.

Anyhow, good job to 590 KLBJ for a job well done!

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