Sunday, September 6, 2009

How To Always Pay Bills On Time

I used to be bad about paying bills on time, but not anymore. This technique has kept me up to date for (checks watch) several months to a year or so now.

  • When you get a bill, put it in a specific place (we call it the "bill box") that ONLY holds your bills. At least once a week, look at all the bills' due dates.
  • Will you get another paycheck before a bill is due?
  • If not, pay it. If so, put it back in the bill box, and pay the accumulated bills when you get paid.
  • Make sure you give yourself 3 days for the mails to deliver the payment (for those dinosaurs like me still writing checks).

    This technique assumes that you are keeping a balanced checkbook. If you aren't, you have worse problems than being late on your bills. Like running out of money for food.

    I should state for the record that Listing Buddy has a different strategy. He checks his mail every few weeks and by the time he opens it, a bill is as likely as not to be overdue. His solution is to pay several times the minimum payment (e.g., $300 for a $50 phone bill) and then do it again when the credit runs out. Note: Listing buddy has a HORRIBLE CREDIT SCORE.
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