Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Investigating The Investigators

I heard it on the Neal Boortz show, but This ain't Hell was the first link I saw for it.

You remember that little to-do about ACORN workers' being just fine with helping people do all sorts of illegal things getting caught on tape? Well, Congress is finally investigating. That's right. Slobbering Barney and some jerk named John are demanding an investigation.

Into whether or not the filming of the interviews without informing the CROOKED ACORN people was illegal.

Yes, this is the same thing as saying "you kids shouldn't have cell phones in class" when a teacher is caught in an anti-semitic, profanity-laden rant in class, on a student's cell phone.

You are represented by Barney Frank or John Conyers. You have not called them yet to express your outrage at this travesty. I am getting the government YOU deserve. Thanks asshole.

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