Sunday, September 13, 2009

We're Not Born With Coping Mechanisms.

#3, as I mentioned the other day, either has a cold or he's having a rough allergy season. I stayed home with him today while my Darling Wife took the rest of the zoo to church. I had good success getting #3 to sleep with a NASCAR truck race yesterday, and today Stacey David was restoring some antique ATV. Lots of 'blah blah blah' and moving images, and before you know it #3 is sleeping on my chest.

I take a small amount of pride in being able to get by on too-little sleep. My Darling Wife needs more, but she can almost keep up with me. #1 and #2 can at least stifle themselves, when they're tired, but #3 just cries. I gave him some sudafed and gentle stimulation instead of the GO GO GO GO GO at the nursery with the other kidlets. 2 hours after waking up, he was zonked out again.

He'll learn how to deal with being sick and tired, through hard experience - just like the rest of us did. For now, though, it's just all bad for him sometimes. We're not born with coping mechanisms.

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