Wednesday, December 30, 2009

This Must Get Much Worse

. . . Before it gets better.

It occurred to me just now that there is only one answer to the creeping sharia spreading like cancer throughout the civilized world.

The only way to stop this sort of activity is with machine guns. The government will never do it, so it would have to be private machine guns.

That's right, you read it correctly. The only way to prevent our being forced into submission is to fight back. Either we will wake the F up at the ballot box and demand the petty tyrants .gov agency bureaucrats observe some damn common sense, or we will need private armies to murder men, women, and children in the streets, for their attempts to subjugate us to their fake, made up religion.

But, as the lesson of the crusades teaches us, when we finally get around to slaughtering whole muslim towns and kill them like they would like to do to us, they wind up not trying to subjugate the entire world for a few centuries.

We're not there yet.

If you don't want to see America go the way of UK in tolerating Islam and no other religions, you need to wake up and get involved before it is too late.*


*It may already be too late.

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