Thursday, December 3, 2009

Global Warming May Require Higher Hip Waders

. . . Because The B.S. Is Getting Spread Pretty Deep!

In light of the fact that the planet has been cooling off for more than a decade now, and due probably in no small part to the President's BFF's being discovered as complete frauds who MAKE UP the "Earth Has A Fever" type data, I have noticed a lot more "Nyuh-uh!" type rebuttals to the glowbull wormening skeptics out there.

The icing on the cake for today was this one: Yahoo! News took an AP feed (but we can't quote AP, now can we?) and came up with this winner of an opening paragraph in an article titled "Global warming may require higher dams, stilts"

With the world losing the battle against global warming so far, experts are warning that humans need to follow nature's example: Adapt or die.

That means elevating buildings, making taller and stronger dams and seawalls, rerouting water systems, restricting certain developments, changing farming practices and ultimately moving people, plants and animals out of harm's way.

The emphasis is mine. Note well: we lead with a lie, and then say it is for your own good that we must restrict your activities to suit our approval.

It's about controlling you. It's not about the environment.

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