Sunday, December 20, 2009

High Comedy: Childish Facial Expressions

#3 likes salsa.
Mamma makes her some HOT salsa, usually.
#3 sometimes takes a small taste, because Mamma obviously is enjoying her "spicies" but after the initial tasting he just pretends to continue dipping his chip in the mouth-fire sauce.

Today, Mamma was eating some "spicy" and #3 wanted a taste. She dipped a chip for him and he touched the barest corner of it to his mouth. He screwed up his face in anticipation of the inferno to come . . . and was very surprised to be able to tolerate it! Somebody gave us some mild sauce and #3 happily chowed down on it for a couple of minutes after he realized it wouldn't destroy his mouth for the next half-hour.

I LOL'd.

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