Monday, December 7, 2009

The Death Knell for Obama's Re-Election . . . Or The USA

Hot on the heels of hard evidence that the scientists have been fabricating evidence that manbearpig is killing gaea with his evil plant-life-sustaining carbon dioxide emissions . . .

The religious environmentalist communists at the EPA declare CO2 a dangerous pollutant.

This will lead to an endless string of lawsuits all the way up to the supreme Court (again) and in the meantime job creation will continue to suffer under onerous, baseless, enviro-fascist regulations.

PresBO is at the head of the EPA, nominally. Personally, I think the folks at the EPA just decided to make this announcement unilaterally, just in time for Copenhagen. It is yet another sign of a captain-free ship of State. The regulations will be big news spiked stories stirring up the electorate, right about the time BHO is up for re-election. IF the Republicrat establishment plays their cards right, it will sink him quite thoroughly. They haven't showed many signs of being able to criticize The Obama very well though, so instead this may just be the final nail in the US (and therefore the world's) economy.

We'll see!

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