Sunday, December 27, 2009

This Is A Shell Game.

They want to steal your liberty. The immediate, obvious way to do that right now is by controlling your life through "health" regulations, with which you must comply because they hold the purse strings to pay your doctor.

The communists Democrats in Congress want to pass a "healthcare" bill so badly that they can taste it. Don't be fooled by talk of giving up on the government-run "public" "option." They can always amend it in to the bill as part of a post-office renaming bill or a defense spending bill, if they don't get it this time around.

What? You don't think they would? See if they don't!

P.S. whatever happened to the scruples? What happened to your principled demand for a single-payer system? Like all the rest of your 'principles' it has gone down the shitter, when it looks like you might lose the whole thing. You jerks.

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