Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Prognosis Just Got A Whole Lot Worse.

The chances of me ending up dead somewhere in America, surrounded by the fresh-killed enemies of individual liberty, just got a whole lot better.

Chairman Obama has just granted Interpol the ability to operate in the USA. That would be, an international law enforcement agency which works closely with the liberty-hating International Criminal Court.

To a socialist who doesn't find anything especially good about the USA, this is fine. To someone who understands that the USA is the greatest nation in the world, due to the goodness of the people (caused by the greatness of our God), this is a problem. It is -possibly- only a matter of time before we start seeing American people arrested for crimes that are no crimes at all according to American laws.

So, if Interpol starts rounding up bloggers for hurting peoples' feelings, I'll start carrying more guns with me everywhere I go, gun laws to the contrary notwithstanding. And, should I be apprehended by them, I'll just have to refuse as a sovereign American to go with a law enforcement agent with no legitimate jurisdiction over me.

Please note, you who have not been following me in this post: Interpol can now act without concern for your right as an American (as a Human) to free speech, thanks to President Obama's Executive Order. They can also act without regard for your rights to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. In theory (I sure hope it doesn't get past the hypothetical! ) Interpol can now kick in the front door of your home because of the words that come out of your mouth, or from your keyboard, and you will have no legal standing to say anything about it. Of course, as Mike Vanderboegh says: "I STILL get to vote."


It's up to them how hard they try to take me, but I bet Vanderboegh will be in the same court as me, with a 'case' of who can get shots on target first.

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