Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Honduras Election: It Happened.

Ex-President Zelaya had files on his computers showing him the winner of an upcoming election -before it had happened- as was discovered following his entirely LEGAL ouster from office.

So excuse me for noticing that it is the #1 election fraud hero in Honduras, calling the election he recently LOST, fraudulent. He says that, because up to 65% of the people in Honduras abstained from voting, it means they didn't accept the whole election process as legitimate.

Excuse me again for remembering, but we had 5% turnout in some jurisdictions in the recent elections in the US. "Those grapes are bitter!"

What's that, you didn't hear about the Honduras presidential election last Saturday, Sunday, yesterday, nor even today? Oh really? You mean the "Mainstream Media" didn't cover it at all? Who'd have thunk it!

In a move I wasn't 100% sure would take place, the US has called the election fair- and transparent-enough not to be able to reject the results out of hand, and President Obama signed a joint statement with Speaker Pelosi saying "We accept the results because we have to, but we don't have to like it.*"

Perhaps the least-surprising of all the Honduras election news is that the [deleted] communists and socialists running their countries into the ground in "Latin" America have been rejecting the results, and all our Capitalist BFFs are saying it's legitimate.

What a pile of poo. One can't help but wonder how much hassle would have been avoided if a Honduras Ninja had just "oops" cut President Zelaya's brake lines with a brick of C4 or given him a lead injection under Rule 308 or something. Oh well, what's done is done, and never to be recorded in the Progressive History of the World once the Socialists finally dominat. . . . oh, sorry, got carried away there.

At any rate, I extend official VFD congratulations and well-wishes to President Wolf.


*Note: I may have made that bit up. And by may have, I mean "did".

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