Monday, December 28, 2009

Back to the GWOT

You may recall that we as a nation went from "lame" fighting a Global War On Terror, to "downright suicidally-stupid," fighting Overseas Contingency Actions to prevent Man-Caused Disasters.

Well, Bush has been out for a year so we can't blame him for everything anymore. It's pretty obvious from all reports that this cat who tried to blow up an airliner this Christmas was a 'mooj' and nobody doesn't know it. . .

So now, the War On Terror is apparently back (for now). We are acting very quickly to shut the bag after the cat is out, and we'll be searching everyone's navel and other places where the sun doesn't shine, for having the temerity to get on an airplane today. Gibbs made mention of the once-forbidden term "War On Terror" in a press conference earlier. Just now, during Obama's big press conference the President said it was an "attempted act of terrorism"

Bonus points for Janet "Swine Flu" Napolitano, who was widely reported Yesterday as saying that "the system worked," which of course was "taken out of context." She meant the stuff that happens after an attack worked great, but the system to prevent an attack, you were supposed to know by instinct she meant that stuff "failed miserably." You know, the stuff you are spending brazillions of dollars and sacrificing your dignity at the airport for? Yeah, THAT failed.

Incompetence. Bungling incompetence and largely-benign Bush-hatred. That's what I like to think about the current New Boss and all their actions. That is to say, our country may very well fall due to bungling incompetence and the Good Intentions of people who were elected on the basis of a (cult of) personality contest between a stick in the mud and a BLACK GUY!!!!1!

Double Facepalm

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