Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What President Obama Really Wants* In The "Healthcare" Bill

You get to decide. Based on what his party is trying to jam down your throat without any input or help from the Republicans, which of the following he means. The first quote was said before the second. Note: I heard him say both of these with my own ears. Note also that it is not a lie if you don't remember what your teleprompter told you to say when you said the opposite thing before.

"I happen to be a proponent of single-payer health care plan. That's what I would like to see." -Barack Hussein Obama

"I have not said that I am a single-payer supporter" -Barack Hussein Obama

*Seriously? He's a naked Marxist. He wants control over your health, not just the payment for your health care. Which do YOU think he meant?

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