Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Too Broke On Buy A Gun Day!

Holy [deleted] I almost forgot it's Buy A Gun Day!

Well thanks to God anyhow, because we had more than enough money from our income tax handout return check to cover all the things we needed this last month.

If I hadn't needed to buy ammo for the Schutzenfest, an alternator for my car, a water heater, and schoolbooks for the kids (listed in reverse order of expense) then I would've had the cash for a shotty from one of the boys here at work. I'll see if I can't nail him down on a payment plan. Dangit being broke stinks!

(that's what you get when you spend more money than you make - eventually you spend all your disposable income on Principle and Interest payments. The US is finding this as inconvenient as I am, except that Uncle Sugar can print more $ and I can't)

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