Monday, April 13, 2009

US: 3. Pirates: 0. Game Changer? I Hope So.

"extremely, extremely well-trained." is the phrase used by Admiral William Gortney to describe the one-shot-one-kill-times-three takedown of the faithful muslims pirates holding the Captain of the Alabama Maersk on a lifeboat.

My only question is, why did this take a week? Well, perhaps next time it won't. But it may, seeing the iron of reality is still sharpening the iron(?) in President Obama's character.

Of course, since there are too many handwringing bleeding heart leftists out there, and you can always find someone with a poor perspective on any matter, there is much moaning about how the game may have changed, and the Somali muslims pirates appear to have made the very grave mistake of declaring some kind of war on the entire world.

Good. Perhaps now the rest of the world will realize that what the United States Navy did when it was first started (killing pirates) is what is required now to end the scourge of piracy on the high seas. Again.

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