Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chicago: Nat'l Guard NOT The Proper Answer!

If the City of Chicago cared to comply with existing anti-gun-prohibition law instead of being forced to do it having lost a lengthy court battle, this would be a moot point. It is a well-known fact that gun crime is both unpossible and very common in Chicago, due to the unreasonable restrictions on civilian gun ownership there. Criminals know that the city is full of mostly unarmed victims.

The answer to gun crimes and violence in general is NOT to call out the National Guard to enforce order, as the City is currently wanting to do. The answer is to say "ok everybody, go ahead and pack heat!"

Prove it!

I don't have to. The year after the Heller decision, crime in DC fell like a rock, and it will continue to fall. The ONLY difference from the year before is that, in that formerly gun-rights-restricted hell hole, gun rights were restricted somewhat less. The criminal element decided to go be bad elsewhere or not at all. It works everywhere, and it the inverse is also true (witness Chicago's current state).

Of course, hoplophobia is real and Liberalism is a mental disorder, so there is a problem in Chicago. . . but the answer is NOT the National Guard!

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