Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If You Drive Like This, You STINK!

For those who know the area, you will recognize this as a dangerous thing somebody pulled off in front of me. At 1431 and Parmer in Cedar Park, heading West on 1431 at 60+ MPH. I crossed Parmer in the #1 lane, and a car pulled out of the gas station at 5574 RR1431. The right lane was full of traffic. The left lane (where I was) was clear for several hundred yards BEHIND me. So this person pulls out and turns right, not into the right lane in accordance with the law and common sense, but into the path of an oncoming car (mine).

So, returning their courtesy, I gave them at least two yards' clearance rear and front when I made a little swerve around their car with a delta-vee of at least 30MPH.

I ask you, did they proceed to hang out in the #1 lane? They did NOT. A hundred yards down the road, having never accelerated to full highway speed, they pulled off into the HEB parking lot. They risked my life and theirs, not to mention our cars, so they could go in front of ONE car (mine) instead of waiting an extra 5 seconds.

Thanks, jerk.

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