Monday, April 12, 2010

Yet Again: Spanking Study Says Not To, SURPRISE!

One more time we have a study purporting to show that spanking children makes them worse than putting them on time-outs.

Once again let me say it: BEATING children makes them worse. Striking them for reasons unbeknownst to them makes them worse. So does screaming at them when they don't know what's going on.

For those who are unaware, God says:
The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame

You don't HIT a child only. You make sure they understand they are being punished for doing whatever they did, and why what they did was wrong. That's the reproof part. Without it, you would be better off putting a child into time-out. AND you don't harm the child. A rod hurts, a belt hurts, a bare hand hurts; they do no lasting harm. Welts is pushing it pretty hard, and blood or broken bones is Child Protective Services time. Spank a child on the bottom or use a light tap to get attention somewhere else (in parts of Africa they use a closed-fist "konk" on the head -not a punch!- which I find gets attention in a BIG hurry).

As for that "bringeth his mother to shame" part, think about the last time you saw a child old enough to know better have a meltdown in the store in front of God-n-everybody.

Do. Not. Trust. The American Academy of Pediatrics over the Bible.

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