Monday, April 5, 2010

The World Is A Better Place Today . . .

Feral hogs are a menace to farms. They destroy crops and breed like . . . well, like wild animals will do. In some place, you can shoot them as freely as you can kill flies. Will somebody please frikken invite me on a pig hunt already? Just give me a field to watch and say "go" and I'm there. Paying you $800 for the privilege of ridding your farm of vermin is pretty low on my list, but I'll volunteer! My man MM has a contact, but they have to invite him first, before he can invite me.

Feral gangsters are a menace to civilization. They destroy lives and . . . oh nevermind the rest of the analogy. Anyway, a HUGE Bravo Zulu to Officer Sean Kelleher for having the presence of mind to jam a thumb in the hammer of a revolver pointed at him, and another one for Officer Tara Hayes for getting in a perfect one-shot kill on a piece of human offal referred to by those who knew him best as "a troublemaker and a thug".

Hat tip for both links to Tam

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