Friday, April 23, 2010

CDC Leans On Texas To Ban Public-Places Smoking

Texas is one of seven States in the USA without a statewide ban on smoking in public buildings. The CDC doesn't like that, so they're pushing us. They claim there is a marked decrease in various illnesses in States with statewide bans. OK, fine whatever. Don't push us. Especially don't try to foist off on us logical fallacies like "secondhand smoke is more dangerous than first-hand smoke!"

But it IS, VFD!

Okay, so when you smoke, you take a drag and exhale the smoke into a sealed chamber where your children are, and you don't breathe the secondary smoke? Or is it more likely that a person smoking inside a closed space is breathing both primary AND secondary smoke? Go ahead and tell me that it is not more dangerous to breath first- and second-hand smoke than it is to just breathe second-hand smoke. No? Okay then go tell the hysterical woman caller on the radio talk show this morning to go soak her head.

Oh, by the way, there is also this little concept known as "dilution" which says that, unless you are breathing right into your childrens' lungs, they are getting a vastly smaller hit of smoke than you are, primary or secondary. Then go look up a suppressed WHO report about secondary smoke.

Or just go back to sounding like a screeching harpy. Your choice.

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