Sunday, April 18, 2010

Iran Made Me LOL

Imagine a fellow who lives down the block from you and who has, at times past, repeatedly threatened to shoot you. He has proven that he has guns but you think he doesn't have any bullets. You are pretty sure he is trying to get bullets.

Imagine this fellow holds a meeting in the street in front of his house. He walks around with his guns for a little while and calls the meeting to order. The meeting is about preventing shootings in the neighborhood. He demands that you sign an agreement not to have any bullets for your own guns, in the interest of neighborhood tranquility.

Well, Iran is displaying typical leftist and islamic chutzpa by holding a nuclear arms non-proliferation conference, and they have demanded that Israel sign their non-proliferation treaty. Riiiiight. You just hold your breath on that one. Now look for the next headline from Iran: Since Israel refuses to sign the NPT, we're forced, forced against our will I say to develop our own nuclear arms. World community buzz off, Israel pushed us into it.

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