Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Bald Eagle? Seriously?

Cops was on the idiot box while I repaired a laminator for my Darling Wife.

A married couple evidently subjected to government schools in the USA called the police. On a bird. Well, it's a really BIG bird! They were afraid it might be a Bald Eagle, so the police & Animal Control were both rolling out.

1/2 second after I saw the animal by flashlight (they had turned out the lights in case it might see the moon & fly out of THE FIREPLACE WITH GLASS DOORS CLOSED ON IT) I knew it was some sort of great owl.

For clarification, in case those unfortunates ever see this page (odds: 0)

This is a bald eagle.

Note the white head feathers. Balde is old english for "white" and Bald is modern shorthand for balde. It's a WHITE eagle, mmkay?

This is an owl.

Note the huge dish-like aural structures around the eyes, and LACK of a pointy yellow beak. Note the rounded (not sleek) head. Note the lack of solid white plumage on the head.

All I can do is shake my head at the level of personal incompetence displayed by TWO grown people here. It's too bad I didn't catch their names so I could warn all the H.R. departments in the world not to hire these people. Oh well.

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