Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trial Balloon Shot Down By Socialist Base

Turns out it wasn't full retreat like I thought. It was a trial balloon. Sebelius was the fall guy, and the Anointed One can soothe the kook fringe base by saying he was never the one who said they were going to abandon government-run healthcare ideals.

The lefties pushed back. Now they are whining about "why are we compromising with the republicrats if they aren't giving US anything in the health care bill?"

Excuse me? You are trying to destroy the world's BEST health care system EVER, to advance the cause of Socialism, and the people who happen to live in this country are pushing back, and you cry about THEIR lack of compromise?

Why don't you go ask President Obama why Senator Obama voted against every health care reform bill he could during his vast experience one year as a Senator? And then go move to Cuba, Canada, or the UK, and see how much you like the health care system you are trying to subject ME to. You Asshole.

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