Friday, August 14, 2009

"You People Are [CENSORED] MORONS!"

That's a favorite quote from one of my co-workers here at Small Company, LLC.

Ford's boss said he thinks the uptick in sales (due to the "pennies from heaven" Cash For Clunkers program) is sustainable. They are ramping up production of their smallest car & SUV lines to meet expected demand.

That demand will not develop. This was a mini-bubble that was blown by the President hisse'f, and it has popped already.

Now we read that The housing market has turned the corner! The bottom is IN!!!11!! Instead of getting excited at the news you hear tonight from the alphabet networks, read that linked article from Calculated Risk. You will learn that the housing sales uptick is due to ANOTHER "pennies from heaven" program, specifically GIVING AWAY MONEY to the tune of $8,000 just for buying a house.

The bottom will fall out again (for the bottom callers) or it has not been hit yet (for the realists). This is a mini-bubble that is being blown, and it will only extend the pain once the November deadline runs out.

Unless the populace figures out they can elect for themselves more "bread and circuses," that is. . . .

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