Monday, August 24, 2009

Evolutionists Shocked To Find "Vestigial" Appendix is Functional.

From Yahoo! News.

For a long time, nobody really knew what the human appendix was good for. So, according typical evolutionist thinking, it's good for nothing.

Hold on there.

Somebody went and took another look, and it seems the appendix is a valuable organ after all! Who knew?! Turns out, if you live in too clean an environment, it may give you trouble, but otherwise it's actually pretty helpful.

I found the linked Yahoo! article to be both amusing and sad. My favorite lowlight: " No less than Charles Darwin first suggested that the appendix was a vestigial organ" Really? The same Darwin who was too stupid to get a real job, so his daddy told him to go be a priest? Wow.

The general tone of the article is somewhat-stunned confusion at the discover of function in a bodily organ. A creationist just smiles and nods, realizing that God placed the appendix in the body for a reason that was too advanced for us to figure it out until now. Christians to evolutionists: welcome to having a clue. Now if you'd just believe in Jesus . . .

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